МастерскаяAges of Y-DNA Haplogroups

Сообщение Давид Аршба » 20 фев 2015, 13:06, последние изменения » 14 янв 2016, 17:47

Возраст Y-ДНК гаплогрупп. Y-DNA haplogroups ages

Ages of Y-STR variation within Y-chromosome haplogroups in East Asia

Источник: Extended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern humans into East Asia via the northern route. Zhong 2010

Haplogroup    Age ± SE in kya (n)

F2-M427 [a] 2.42 ± 1.96 (15)
G1-M285 [b] 14.79 ± 4.77 (7)
G2a-P15 [b] 14.58 ± 2.90 (66)
H1-M52 [b] 9.68 ± 2.07 (167)
J1-M267 [b] 23.11 ± 11.34 (344)
J2a-M410 [b] 17.83 ± 4.63 (176)
J2a1-M322 [b] 5.18 ± 2.42 (7)
J2a2-M67 [b] 12.89 ± 2.39 (52)
J2a8-M319 [b] 8.05 ± 4.44 (18)
J2b-M12 [b] 12.14 ± 2.58 (69)
J2b2-M241 [b] 13.86 ± 3.15 (49)
L2-M317 [b] 12.45 ± 2.47 (6)
L3-M357 [b] 7.93 ± 2.43 (24)
Q1a1-M120 [a] 15.42 ± 7.25 (61)
Q1a2-M25 [b] 2.72 ± 1.24 (5)
Q1a3a*-M346 [b] 17.77 ± 4.41 (13)
R1a1*-M17 [a] 15.37 ± 3.46 (84)
R1b-M343 [b] 17.35 ± 4.53 (338)
R2-M124 [b] 11.73 ± 1.67 (100)
T-M70 [b] 15.40 ± 1.35 (14)
C1-M8 [a] 9.96 ± 3.54 (20)
C3*-M217 [a] 18.78 ± 4.19 (374)
C3c-M48 [a] 9.31 ± 2.85 (18)
C3d-M407 [a] 9.47 ± 2.71 (22)
C3e-P53.1 [a] 4.83 ± 2.34 (15)
D*-M174 [e] 50.62 ± 16.60 (44)
D1-M15 [a] 32.67 ± 6.28 (233)
D2-M57 [a] 16.27 ± 3.33 (106)
D3-P47 [a] 12.97 ± 3.35 (282)
O1a*-M119 [f] 35.05 ± 4.58 (346)
O1a2-M110 [f] 39.93 ± 11.55 (21)
O2a*-M95 [f] 41.10 ± 7.61 (343)
O3*-M122 [a] 37.24 ± 4.56 (27)
O3a*-M324 [a] 39.29 ± 5.03 (355)
O3a3b-M7 [a] 41.74 ± 7.00 (88)
O3a3c1*-M133 [a] 29.23 ± 5.47 (242)
O3a3c-M134 [a] 35.32 ± 4.66 (139)

[a] including East Asians only; [b] including individuals from East Asia, CSA and WE;
[e] including East Asians and Andamanese; [f] including East and Southeast Asians.
The numbers (n) in brackets are sample size.

Age of Microsatellite Variations within Various Y HGs in India

Источник: Polarity and Temporality of High-Resolution Y-Chromosome Distributions in India Identify Both Indigenous and Exogenous Expansions and Reveal Minor Genetic Influence of Central Asian Pastoralists. Sengupta 2006

                          AGE In KYA ± SD (n) OF MICROSATELLITE VARIATION

|Austro-Asiatic|Tibeto-Burman| Dravidian | Indo-European |
| HG | Pooled | Tribe | Tribe | Tribe | Caste | Tribe | Caste | Muslim |
C5-M356 19.4±4.2 (11) 24.6±8.0 (5)
F*-M89 28.9±4.4 (38) 26.7±5.7 (25) 28.1±5.3 (8)
G2-P15 10.5±3.9 (9) 8.6±3.7 (8)
H1-M52 10.6±1.8 (145) 9.7±4.4 (9) 9.8±2.0 (64) 12.6±3.8 (25) 10.9±3.6 (5) 10.0±2.1 (40)
H2-Apt 17.8±4.3 (16) 11.3±6.4 (9)
H-M69* 30.4±7.7 (29) 8.0±4.0 (5) 20.9±9.5 (13) 30.6±12.5 (9)
J2*-M410/M158 13.7±2.9 (28) 15.8±5.3 (12) 12.4±2.0 (12)
J2b2-M241 13.8±3.8 (38) 3.6±1.7 (7) 12.1±3.4 (21) 12.0±3.1 (9)
L1-M76 9.1±1.9 (46) 6.0±2.4 (10) 7.1±2.1 (30) 13.6±4.3 (6)
O2a-M95[b] 11.7±1.6 (106) 8.8±2.0 (34) 12.9±3.1 (16) 8.2±1.9 (48) 8.5±3.8 (6)
O3e-M134[c] 9.2±2.7 (58) 9.3±2.7 (57)
R1a1-M17[d] 14.0±3.1 (114) 10.9±3.8 (5) 12.2±3.0 (34) 14.6±3.5 (57) 10.5±3.0 (11)
R2-M124 11.6±2.1 (68) 9.8±2.4 (7) 10.1±4.3 (5) 18.1±4.6 (9) 8.9±2.3 (13) 12.7±3.5 (28) 8.5±4.8 (6)

[b] In Cambodia, 11.9±3.5 (np 7); in China, 17.9±5.5 (np 14).
[c] In the Tibeto-Burman tribe, excluding Mizo, 6.7±2.1 (np 44); in Mizo, 15.1±7.0 (np 13); in Southeast Asia, 26.27.0 (np 27).
[d] In Pakistan, 15.6±3.0 (np 50); in Oman, 12.5±2.9 (np 11); in western Eurasia, 12.8±2.5 (np 16); in Greece, 9.3±2.8 (np 19);
in Turkey, 10.0±2.6 (np 36); in Central Asia, 11.2±5.0 (np 10).

Chronological development of haplogroups in Europe

Источник: Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup


Possible time of origin y. a.

Possible place of origin

K 40,000 South Asia or West Asia
T 30,000 West Asia
J 30,000 Middle East
R 28,000 Central Asia
E1b1b-M35 26,000 East Africa
I 25,000 Balkans
R1a1 21,000 Southern Russia
R1b 20,000 Around the Caspian Sea or Central Asia
E1b1b-M78 18,000 Egypt/Libya
G 17,000 Between India and the Caucasus
I2 17,000 Balkans
J2 15,000 Northern Mesopotamia
I2b 13,000 Central Europe
N1c1 12,000 Siberia
I2a 11,000 Balkans
R1b1b2 10,000 North or south of the Caucasus
J1 10,000 Arabian peninsula
E1b1b-V13 10,000 Balkans
I2b1 9,000 Central Europe
I2a1 8,000 Pyrenees
I2a2 7,500 Dinaric Alps
E1b1b-M81 5,500 Maghreb
I1 5,000 Scandinavia
R1b-L21 4,000 Central or Eastern Europe
R1b-S28 3,500 around the Alps
R1b-S21 3,000 Frisia or Central Europe
I2b1a < 3,000 Britain

Age Estimates and Divergence Times of Haplogroup I Subclades

Источник: Phylogeography of Y-Chromosome Haplogroup I Reveals Distinct Domains of Prehistoric Gene Flow in Europe. Rootsi 2004

I* I1a I1b* I1b2 I1c
Time since subclade divergence [a] … 15.9 ± 5.2[b] 10.7 ± 4.8[b] 9.3 ± 7.6c 14.6 ± 3.8[b]
Age of STR variation [d] 24.0 ± 7.1 8.8 ± 3.2 7.6 ± 2.7 8.0 ± 4.0 13.2 ± 2.7
Time since population divergence [e] 23.0 ± 7.7[f] 6.8 ± 1.9[g] 7.1 ± 2.5 7.9 ± 3.6[h] 11.2 ± 2.3[i]

[a] The times, in thousands of years, when the subclades I1a, I1b*, and I1c diverged from I*, as well as when I1b2
diverged from I1b*, were estimated by using the TD estimator: TD p (D1 2V0)/2w (Zhivotovsky et al. 2001, 2004).
Here, D1 is the average squared difference between two alleles sampled from two populations; V0 is the
within-population variance in the number of repeats in the ancestral population prior to its subdivision, estimated
as a half square difference between the allele repeat scores at the founder haplotypes; and w is the effective
mutation rate of 0.00069 per locus per 25 years (Zhivotovsky et al. 2004).
[b] Divergence from I*.
[c] Divergence from I1b*.
[d] The age of STR variation of a subclade was estimated as the average squared difference in the number of repeats
between all sampled chromosomes and the founder haplotype, divided by w. Ages of STR variation within clades I and
I1b were estimated by using I* and I1b* Y chromosomes, respectively. This makes them statistically independent from
the STR variation of their subclades, although they could be still biased because of uncertainties
on founder haplotypes.
[e] The age of population expansion (divergence), estimated with TD, letting V0 p 0, gives its upper bound.
Time since population divergence was analyzed only in populations with a sample size of at least five
individuals; the estimates give an upper bound for the time of population expansion (divergence).
[f] Since all populations, except the Turks, were represented within I* by fewer than five individuals each, only
two samples were compared: Turks versus “Others.”
[g] Obtained by comparing Croat, Czech, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Norwegian, Saami, Swedish, Swiss, Turkish,
and Ukrainian populations.
[h] Since all populations, except the Sardinians, were represented within I1b2 by fewer than five individuals
each, only two samples were compared: Sardinians versus “Others.”
[i] Because of the small sample size for each separate population, we used five combined samples—namely,
southern European (Albanian, Calabrian, central Italian, Sardinian, southern French), northern European
(Norwegian, Swedish, Estonian, Dutch), eastern/central European (Hungarian, Croat, Czech, Slovakian),
western/central European (French–Low Normandy, French-Lyon, northern Italian, Swiss), and southern/eastern
European (Gagauz, Turkish, Ukrainian).

Ages of P303-β, P303-α, P18-α, P18-β, R1b1b2-β, P18-γ, M67-β, M67-γ, M67-α, M67-δ, L3, Q-α, M267(xP58)α, M267(xP58)β, M267(xP58)γ, R1a1a*-α, R1b1b2-α, P15*-α

Источник: Parallel Evolution of Genes and Languages in the Caucasus Region. Balanovsky 2011

Ages of of haplogroup G and subclades

Источник: Distinguishing the co-ancestries of haplogroup G Y-chromosomes in the populations of Europe and the Caucasus. Rootsi 2012

Median haplotypes by population Era
G Population N TD SE D19 D388 D389I D389b D390 D391 D392 D393 D439 A7.2
M285 Caucasus 11 15,810 4,653 16 12 13 17 23 10 12 13 12 11
Total 28 19,975 5,642 14,5 12 12 16 23 10 12 13 11 11 LGM1 Refugia
M285* Caucasus 8 14,040 3,601 16 12 13 16,5 23 10 12 13 12 11
Total 20 20,265 6,342 15 12 12 16 23 10 12 13 11 11
P20 Total 8 15,851 6,624 14 12 12 16 23,5 10 12 13 11 12 Epipaleolithic Expansion
P287 Balkan 12 15,783 2,170 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 12 10
Caucasus 215 14,049 2,450 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 11
Crete 5 6,522 3,140 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Corsica 71 14,619 2,219 15 12 13 17 22 11 11 14 12 11
Druze 35 4,765 1,922 15 12 12 17 22 11 11 13 12 10
Eastern Europe 42 13,278 1,834 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Germany 15 13,147 2,293 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Greece 10 11,594 2,743 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Iran 28 12,434 2,282 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 12 10
Italy 25 12,899 3,446 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Ashkenazi Jews 39 2,994 1,081 15 12 14 18 23 10 11 13 11 na
Sephardic Jews 23 14,585 3,015 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Pakistan 10 15,761 5,146 16 12 12 16,5 23 10 11 13,5 11 10,5
Palestine 19 5,191 1,783 15 12 12 17 22 11 11 14 12 10
Russia 5 16,667 5,721 15 12 12 17 23 10 11 14 11 11
Switzerland 14 14,134 2,937 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Turkey 59 16,089 2,848 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Afghanistan 12 2,114 1,277 16 12 13 17 23 11 11 13 11 11
Total 674 16,356 2,264 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 11 LGM Refugia-Turkey/Pakistan/?Caspian Expansion
P15 Balkan 12 15,783 2,170 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 12 10
Caucasus 215 14,049 2,450 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 11
Crete 5 6,522 3,140 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Corsica 71 14,619 2,219 15 12 13 17 22 11 11 14 12 11
Druze 35 4,765 1,922 15 12 12 17 22 11 11 13 12 10
Eastern Europe 41 12,956 1,732 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Germany 15 13,147 2,293 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Greece 10 11,594 2,743 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Iran 28 12,434 2,282 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 12 10
Italy 25 12,899 3,446 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Ashkenazi Jews 9 6,710 2,511 15 12 14 18 23 10 11 13 11 na
Sephardic Jews 23 14,585 3,015 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Pakistan 10 15,761 5,146 16 12 12 16,5 23 10 11 13,5 11 10,5
Palestine 19 5,191 1,783 15 12 12 17 22 11 11 14 12 10
Russia 5 16,667 5,721 15 12 12 17 23 10 11 14 11 11
Switzerland 12 9,223 2,329 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Turkey 58 15,992 2,861 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Total 628 15,983 2,219 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10 LGM Refugia-Turkey/Pakistan/?Caspian Expansion
P15* Caucasus 5 16,848 3,542 15 12 12 17 23 10 11 14 11 11
Corsica 5 6,441 3,066 na 13 13 17 23 10 11 13 12 11
Eastern Europe 5 9,903 3,065 15 13 13 16 22 10 11 13 11 11
Turkey 8 10,417 2,031 15 13 13 17 22 10 11 13 11 11
Total 38 15,487 2,426 15 12,5 13 17 22 10 11 13 11 11
L91 Corsica 37 6,528 2,171 na 12 14 16 22 11 11 14 12 11 Late Neolithic Expansion to Corsica
Total 48 10,903 2,523 na 12 14 16 22 11 11 14 12 11 Mesolithic Expansion to Central Mediterranean
P16 Caucasus 97 9,609 2,411 15 12 12 17 22 10 10 14 11 11
Eastern Europe 5 7,246 2,646 15 12 12 17 22 10 10 14 11 11
Turkey 9 7,649 1,940 15 12 12 17 22 10 10 14 12 11
Total 120 9,519 2,130 15 12 12 17 22 10 10 14 12 11 Mesolithic Expansion in Caucasus
M485 Balkan 8 8,152 1,886 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 13,5 12 10
Caucasus 111 13,130 3,830 15 12 12 17 23 10 11 14 11 11
Crete 5 6,522 3,140 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Corsica 26 9,582 1,858 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Druze 34 4,049 1,831 15 12 12 17 22 11 11 13 12 10
Eastern Europe 30 10,386 1,949 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Germany 14 11,905 2,536 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Greece 9 12,077 2,940 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Iran 20 8,696 2,336 15 12 12 16,5 22 10 11 14 12 10
Italy 23 11,972 3,213 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Sephardic Jews 17 8,325 2,297 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Pakistan 6 10,870 4,746 16 12 12 16 23 10 11 14 11 9
Palestine 19 5,191 1,783 15 12 12 17 22 11 11 14 12 10
Switzerland 12 9,223 2,329 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Turkey 40 15,580 4,414 15 12 12 16 21 10 11 14 11 10
Total 404 12,698 2,201 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10 Post-LGM expansion in Turkey to Mesolithic in Europe
M485* Total 11 10,540 3,098 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
P303 Balkan 7 7,246 1,921 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 12 10
Caucasus 94 10,650 3,177 15 12 12 17 23 10 11 14 11 11
Crete 5 6,522 3,140 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Corsica 25 9,529 1,808 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Druze 9 4,831 2,460 15 12 13 16 22 11 11 13 12 10
Eastern Europe 24 10,568 2,013 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Germany 12 11,775 2,564 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Greece 6 9,058 3,246 15 12 12 17 22,5 10 11 14 12 10,5
Iran 13 6,689 2,568 15 12 12 16 22 10 11 14 12 10
Italy 14 9,576 2,043 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 12 10
Pakistan 5 14,493 7,001 16 12 12 16 23 10 11 14 11 9
Turkey 15 10,386 3,056 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 11
Switzerland 10 6,240 2,483 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Total 301 12,545 2,269 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
P303* Caucasus 13 13,099 4,495 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 12 10
Corsica 7 10,352 3,619 15 12 12 17 22 11 11 13 11 10
Druze 6 0,604 0,604 15 12 13 16 22 11 11 13 12 10
Eastern Europe 7 12,422 3,635 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Iran 5 7,971 3,655 15 12 12 16 23 10 11 14 12 10
Sephardic Jews 11 7,576 2,646 15 12 12 16 22 10 11 14 11 10
Turkey 9 8,857 3,833 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 11
Total 77 12,133 2,748 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
L497 Balkan 7 7,246 1,921 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 12 10
Corsica 17 6,674 2,073 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Eastern Europe 5 5,797 1,808 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Germany 11 10,870 3,029 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Italy 8 6,341 2,259 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11,5 10
Switzerland 8 4,658 1,698 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10
Total 63 7,493 1,555 15 13 12 17 22 10 11 14 11 10 Expansion in Europe during initial Neolithic eg LBK
U1* Caucasus 86 10,195 3,148 15 12 12 17 23 10 11 14 11 11
Eastern Europe 8 5,435 1,761 15 12 12 17 23 10 11 14 11 10
Palestine 13 3,066 1,406 15 12 12 17 22 11 11 14 12 10
Turkey 8 7,699 2,531 15 12 12 17 22,5 10 11 14 11 10,5
Total 125 10,580 2,856 15 12 12 17 23 10 11 14 11 11 Mesolithic Expansion in Caucasus
M527 Iran 6 4,831 2,514 15 12 12 16 22 10 11 14 12 10
Total 33 7,246 2,373 15 12 12 17 22 10 11 14 12 10 Aegean Early Neolithic Expansion
M406 Caucasus 17 9,165 3,194 16 12 12 16 21 10 11 14 11 10
Druze 25 1,884 1,434 15 12 12 17 22 11 11 13 11 10
Iran 7 8,799 1,898 15 12 12 17 21 10 11 14 11 10
Italy 9 8,052 2,546 15 12 12 17 21 10 11 14 11 10
Turkey 23 12,760 4,844 15 12 12 16 21 10 11 14 11 10
Total 103 11,971 2,579 15 12 12 17 21 10 11 14 11 10 Epipaleolithic Expansion in Turkey to Early Neolithic in Italy
M406* Caucasus 11 10,211 4,062 16 12 12 17 21 10 11 14 11 10
Druze 25 1,884 1,434 15 12 12 17 22 11 11 13 11 10
Iran 6 8,152 1,562 15 12 12 17 21 10 11 14,5 11 10
Italy 7 8,799 2,787 15 12 12 17 21 10 11 14 11 10
Turkey 14 10,870 3,854 15 12 12 16 21 10 11 15 12 10
Total 81 12,356 3,192 15 12 12 17 21 10 11 14 11 10
Page19 Caucasus 6 4,227 2,390 16 12 12 16 21 10 11 14 11 10
Turkey 9 7,649 3,956 15 12 12 16 21 10 11 14 11 10
Total 22 6,917 2,525 16 12 12 16 21 10 11 14 11 10
M377 Ashkenazi Jews 38 2,013 0,919 15 12 14 18 23 10 11 13 11 na
Afghanistan 12 2,114 1,277 16 12 13 17 23 11 11 13 11 11
Total 60 5,625 2,166 15 12 14 18 23 10 11 13 11 11 Early Bronze Age Expansion
na - DYS 19 locus is excluded from analysis because of duplication (Capelli et al. 2007)
LGM1 - Last Glacial Maximum

Egypt and Oman Y Chromosome Haplogroup Variance and Expansion Times Based on 10 STR Loci. E3b-M35, E3b1-M78, E3b2-M81, E3b3-M123, G-M201, J-12f2, J*-12f2d, J2-M172, K2-M70, E3b3-M123, R1a1-M17

Источник: The Levant versus the Horn of Africa: Evidence for Bidirectional Corridors of Human Migrations. Luis 2004

Y IN CZECHS. I-M170, I1-M2531, I2a-P371, I2b1-M2231, P-DYS257*(xR1a), R1a-SRY10831

Источник: Y-Chromosomal Variation in the Czech Republic. Luca 2006

TMRCA of 11 major clades on the Y chromosome haplogroup tree. CT, CF, DE, E, E1b1, F, IJ, I, K, P, R, R1

Источник: New binary polymorphisms reshape and increase resolution of the human Y chromosomal haplogroup tree. Karafet 2008

Estimates of age of haplogroup J, J sub-haplogroups

Источник: Y chromosomal haplogroup J as a signature of the post-neolithic colonization of Europe. Giacomo 2004

Caucasian ages of G2a3b1-P303, G2a1a-P18, J2a4b*-M67(xM92), J1*-M267(xP58)

Источник: Balanovsky 2011. Supplementary Table 1. Лист Table S3

Coalescent times and median haplotypes for 11 R1b haplogroups

Источник: A major Y-chromosome haplogroup R1b Holocene era founder effect in Central and Western Europe. Myres 2010. Supplementary Table S2

Table S2: Coalescent times and median haplotypes for 11 R1b haplogroups
            Median haplotypes by population
R1b Haplogroup Population N TD SE Avg Var D19 D388 D389I D389II D390 D391 D392 D393 D439 A7.2
M269* Romania 5 7,246 2,415 0,190 15 12 13 16 25 11 13 12 12 10
Turkey 10 9,058 2,370 0,228 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 12 11 10
Total 31 11,173 2,386 0,251 14 12 13 16 25 11 13 12 12 10
L23* Greece 15 6,763 1,864 0,150 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 12 12 10
Slovakia 10 5,153 1,362 0,122 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 12 12 10
Switzerland 10 7,246 1,871 0,151 14 12 13 15 24 11 14 12 12 10
Hungary 7 5,952 1,812 0,171 14 12 13 17 24 11 13 12 12 10
Romania 12 11,199 2,003 0,264 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 12 12 10
Caucasus 32 12,217 2,301 0,292 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 12 12 10
Bashkir 29 1,624 0,746 0,046 14 12 13 17 24 10 13 12 12 10
Pakistan 5 14,493 3,241 0,410 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 12 12 10
Turkey 58 11,057 1,953 0,277 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 12 12 10
Italy 14 9,526 1,598 0,253 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 12 12,5 10
Poland 7 3,106 1,144 0,081 14 12 13 17 24 11 13 12 12 10
Total 214 10,093 1,783 0,248 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 12 12 10
M412* Total 14 5,694 1,534 0,149 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 10
L11* Germany 6 9,481 3,926 0,247 14 12 13 16 24 10 13 13 12,5 11
Total 23 10,870 2,763 0,291 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
U106 all Denmark 20 6,789 1,657 0,161 14 12 13 16 23 11 13 13 12 11
Estonia 10 12,862 4,408 0,352 14 12 13 16 24 10,5 13 13 12 11
England 26 7,037 1,794 0,179 14 12 13 16 23,5 11 13 13 12 11
France 6 6,703 1,898 0,200 14 12 13 16 23,5 11 13 13 11 11
Germany 66 8,480 2,111 0,203 14 12 13 16 23 11 13 13 12 11
Ireland 6 8,756 2,226 0,243 14 12 13 16 23,5 11 13 13 12 11
Italy 10 8,333 2,357 0,226 14 12 13 16 23 11 13 13 12 11
Netherlands 30 7,005 1,987 0,177 14 12 13 16 23 11 13 13 12 11
Poland 9 10,467 1,820 0,278 14 12 13 16 23 11 13 13 12 11
Slovakia 11 9,552 3,488 0,249 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Switzerland 19 8,963 2,575 0,228 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Total 239 8,911 2,300 0,213 14 12 13 16 23 11 13 13 12 11
U106* Slovakia 11 9,552 3,488 0,249 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
France 6 6,703 1,898 0,200 14 12 13 16 23,5 11 13 13 11 11
Estonia 10 12,862 4,408 0,352 14 12 13 16 24 10,5 13 13 12 11
Switzerland 19 8,963 2,575 0,228 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Denmark 19 6,055 1,374 0,162 14 12 13 16 23,5 11 13 13 12 11
England 23 7,089 2,304 0,171 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Germany 61 8,761 2,282 0,204 14 12 13 16 23 11 13 13 12 11
Ireland 6 8,756 2,226 0,243 14 12 13 16 23,5 11 13 13 12 11
Italy 10 8,333 2,357 0,226 14 12 13 16 23 11 13 13 12 11
Netherlands 28 7,246 2,052 0,000 14 12 13 16 23 11 13 13 12 11
Poland 9 10,467 1,820 0,278 14 12 13 16 23 11 13 13 12 11
Total 228 9,056 2,416 0,215 14 12 13 16 23 11 13 13 12 11
U198 Germany 5 5,072 1,887 0,140 14 12 13 16 23 11 13 13 12 11
Total 11 5,929 1,537 0,155 14 12 13 16 23 11 13 13 12 11
S116 all Bashkir 8 All same hapotype 15 12 13 17 24 11 13 13 12 11
Denmark 16 7,382 2,644 0,167 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
England 43 8,962 1,491 0,233 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
France 40 10,097 2,081 0,268 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Vaucluse 20 11,270 3,289 0,307 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Germany 62 10,245 1,726 0,262 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Greece 7 6,729 2,321 0,162 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 13 11
Hungary 9 9,259 2,753 0,256 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Ireland 73 8,152 1,910 0,208 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Italy 72 7,637 1,310 0,198 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Netherlands 14 7,565 1,659 0,196 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Poland 6 9,058 2,738 0,270 14 12 13 16 24 10 13 13 12 11
Romania 11 7,576 3,296 0,169 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Slovakia 20 8,152 2,717 0,224 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Slovenia 7 9,317 2,289 0,267 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Sweden 10 6,159 1,625 0,172 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Switzerland 48 8,610 1,837 0,231 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Turkey 5 13,043 3,711 0,330 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 12
Total 481 8,742 1,551 0,229 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
S116* Slovakia 12 8,152 2,702 0,214 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
France 19 11,745 3,113 0,302 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Vaucluse 12 13,889 4,682 0,382 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Switzerland 16 11,096 2,276 0,285 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Denmark 6 5,737 2,133 0,160 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 11,5 11
England 8 6,470 2,178 0,186 14 12 13,5 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Germany 22 10,211 2,123 0,259 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Ireland 14 6,370 1,449 0,169 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Italy 14 7,007 2,586 0,191 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Netherlands 6 10,024 2,416 0,273 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Total 146 9,485 1,990 0,246 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
U152 Greece 7 6,729 2,321 0,162 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 13 11
Slovakia 7 9,317 4,486 0,195 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 11 11
France 14 8,282 2,308 0,232 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Vaucluse 5 5,254 1,918 0,125 14 12 13 16 24 10 13 13 12 11
Switzerland 29 6,577 1,776 0,177 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Romania 6 6,944 2,114 0,187 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12,5 11
Bashkir 8 All same hapotype 15 12 13 17 24 11 13 13 12 11
England 9 8,454 2,281 0,228 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Germany 33 9,566 1,898 0,252 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Italy 57 7,769 1,339 0,198 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Poland 5 6,522 1,691 0,180 14 12 13 16 24 10 13 13 12 11
Slovenia 6 8,454 2,053 0,233 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Total 206 8,244 1,376 0,218 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
M529 all Denmark 7 9,231 3,943 0,199 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
England 26 9,476 2,167 0,241 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
France 7 9,317 2,536 0,248 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Germany 7 8,972 2,209 0,214 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Ireland 57 8,824 2,251 0,223 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Netherlands 5 5,797 1,449 0,150 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Sweden 7 6,729 1,553 0,186 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Total 129 8,691 1,649 0,223 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
M529* Denmark 7 9,231 3,943 0,199 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
England 20 8,514 1,911 0,226 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
France 6 9,662 3,013 0,253 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Germany 6 7,790 2,050 0,200 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11,5
Ireland 41 8,081 2,160 0,219 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Netherlands 5 5,797 1,449 0,150 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Sweden 7 6,729 1,553 0,186 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
Total 105 8,146 1,643 0,216 14 12 13 16 24 11 13 13 12 11
M222 England 6 3,321 1,455 0,090 14 12 13 16 25 11 14 13 12 11,5
Ireland 16 3,865 1,584 0,095 14 12 13 16 25 11 14 13 12 11
Total 24 3,800 1,217 0,095 14 12 13 16 25 11 14 13 12 11
M478/DYS390=19 Bashkir 10 0,362 0,362 0,010 14 12 14 16 19 10 13 13 13 10
Total 14 1,553 1,105 0,044 14 12 14 16 19 10 13 13 13 10
M478/DYS390>19 Balkar 9 4,026 1,697 0,094 14 12 14 19 22 11 13 13 13 10
  Total 13 8,919 4,151 0,201 14 12 14 19 22 11 13 13 13 10
1. A single S116* haplotype from Vaucluse displayed DYS38II=20 whereas all other samples in this group displayed DYS389B=16. Excluding the 
 DYS389B=20 allele yielded a Td=9.058 +/- 2.882 kya and an average variance of 0.083. 

Table 3 Estimated TMRCA of E1b1a UEP dates and distribution of E1b1a component haplogroups in sub-Saharan Africa

Источник: Evidence from Y-chromosome analysis for a late exclusively eastern expansion of the Bantu-speaking people. Pour 2013

Table 3 15 Y-STRs diversity of haplogroups C and O3 in East Asian populations

Источник: High frequencies of Y-chromosome haplogroup O2b-SRY465 lineages in Korea: a genetic perspective on the peopling of Korea. Kim 2011

Supplementary Table 4 Coalescence times for the Y chromosome haplogroups J1 (and subhaplogroups) and J2a2* in the Caucasus and neighboring regions/populations.

Источник: Таблица в формате EXCEL | The Caucasus as an Asymmetric Semipermeable Barrier to Ancient Human Migrations. Yunusbayev 2012

Additional file 3. Ages of the main Y-chromosome haplogroups in the samples of the present study together with relevant comparative data from Sengupta et al. Tharus, Indians, Hindus, Andhra Pradesh, Dravidian tribals, Tibeto-Burman tribals

Источник: Mitochondrial and Y-chromosome diversity of the Tharus (Nepal): a reservoir of genetic variation. Fornarino 2009

Additional file 3. Ages of the  main Y-chromosome haplogroups in the samples of the present study together with relevant comparative data from Sengupta et al.[15] 
Haplogroup  N chrs Variance Age   σ Reference
H-69 60 0,601 26,8 + 6,0 present paper
H-69*  16 0,635 24,5 + 9,8 "              "
       Indians pooled 29 0,727 30,4 + 7,7 Sengupta et al. [15] 
       Indians 15 0,253 10,2 + 3,9 "              "
       Hindus 10 0,286 12,7 + 5,2 "              "
       Indians pooled 144 0,271 10,6 + 1,8 Sengupta et al. [15] 
       Tharus 20 0,093 3,6 + 1,3 present paper
       Tharus-C II 14 0,078 3,1 + 1,4 "              "
       Indians 11 0,107 4 + 1,1 "              "
       Hindus 6 0,110 4,5 + 1,6 "              "
       Andhra Pradesh 5 0,093 3,4 + 1,5 "              "
      Tharus-C II 9 0,286 12,6 + 6,5 present paper
      Dravidian tribals  9 0,194 11,3 + 6,4 Sengupta et al. [15] 
      Tharus 17 0,346 14,3 + 4,9 present paper
      Tharus-C I 6 0,133 4,8 + 2,3 "              "
      Tharus-C II 6 0,240 9,7 + 3,3 "              "
      Tharus-E 5 0,485 17,6 + 11,5 "              "
      Indians pooled 26 0,339 14,3 + 3,0 Sengupta et al. [15] 
      Tharus 7 0,437 18,3 + 6,2 present paper
      Indians pooled 38 0,328 13,8 + 3,8 Sengupta et al. [15] 
      Tribals pooled 6 0,141 5,1 + 1,8 present paper
      Dravidian tribals  10 0,168 6 + 2,4 Sengupta et al. [15] 
      Indians pooled 46 0,243 9,1 + 1,9 "              "
      Tharus 57 0,247 9,7 + 2,8 present paper
      Tibeto-Burman tribals 57 0,229 9,3 + 2,7 Sengupta et al. [15] 
      Tharus 55 0,136 5,5 + 2,1 present paper
      Tharus-C I 28 0,108 4,7 + 2,1 "              "
      Tharus-C II 22 0,145 5,8 + 2,4 "              "
      Tharus-E 5 0,210 7,6 + 1,5 "              "
      Tharus 14 0,399 16,6 + 3,9 present paper
      Tharus-C (I + II) 9 0,210 8,3 + 2,2 "              "
      Tharus-E 5 0,500 20,3 + 9,1 "              "
      Indians 42 0,450 17,6 + 3,8 "              "
      Indians pooled 114 0,291 14 + 3,1 Sengupta et al.[15] 
      Hindus 34 0,310 14 + 4,1 present paper
      Andhra Pradesh 8 0,988 37,7 + 21,5  
     Tharus 8 0,271 10,6 + 4,8 present paper
     Tharus-C II 6 0,033 1,2 + 0,8 "              "
      Indians 13 0,355 12,8 + 3,0 "              "
      Indians pooled 68 0,284 11,6 + 2,1 Sengupta et al. [15] 
      Hindus 11 0,360 13,1 + 3,1 present paper
